Fioravante Seibezzi (Venice 1906 - 1974), is formed as a self-taught and he adheres to the Venice lagoon postimpressionism.
He paints the landscape en plein air, translating through the immediacy of pure and bright colors.
Discover his talent is Caesar Laurenti, which provides the means, so that they can devote themselves exclusively to painting.
The style of Seibezzi painting proposes a "vedutismo chiarista" with an airy manner, sensitive to tonal variations and transparencies, expressed by rapid strokes, read and summary.
His debut at the Venice Biennale in 1938, where he will be present until 1956; he participates at Quadriennali in Romen (1931, 1935, 1948, 1951, 1959) and various exhibitions abroad. He receives major awards during his long activities.

Fioravante Seibezzi Veduta del Canal Grande olio su tela Banca IntesaSan Paolo

Fioravante Seibezzi Zattere olio su tela Banca IntesaSan Paolo

Fioravante Seibezzi Paesaggio disegno a china su carta cm 31X41

Fioravante Seibezzi Venezia Olio su tela CM 46X66 Museo Civico di Rovereto

Fioravante Seibezzi Autunno a Torcello Olio su tela CM 26X36 Museo Civico di Rovereto

Fioravante Seibezzi Alba a Burano olio su tela CM 44X54 Museo Civico di Rovereto

Fioravante Seibezzi Canal Grande visto dalla dogana 1938 olio su compensato cm 30X40

Da Sx Juti Ravenna in basso Fioravante Seibezzi a fianco Aldo Bergamini sopra Mario Varagnolo in alto Nereo Costantini

Fioravante Seibezzi Autoritratto anni 30 olio su tavola cm 40X30
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