Piero Slongo (Mogliano Veneto 07/11/1928 - Treviso 25/12/2015) begins in the late 50's with many collective exibitions in Treviso area and Venice. It were fundamental the experiences at 49. Bevilacqua La Masa and Burano Prize won in the editions of 1969 and ‘70. His training is self-taught and he acquired in the field in various art exhibitions with artists such as Carena, Viani, Coubert, Kokoschka for example.
On 1974, after seeing live the paintings in the exhibition of Gino Rossi in Treviso, his painting changed completely internalizing the lyricism of colors and shapes: it is the turning point for a new cycle.
Burano, Asolo, the Berici hills and the nature of Treviso are his favorite subjects.
The Slongo work is reassessed in 2009 with an exhibition at the Berga Gallery in Vicenza, catalog edited by Vittorio Sgarbi and in 2011 with the participation at 54. Venice Biennale, Italian Pavilion curated by Vittorio Sgarbi.
On 2013 the exhibition "Slongo l'ultimo impressionista. La vita del colore" in Ortona (Ch) at the Palazzo Farnese to 15/10.
On 2015 Piero Slongo returns in Treviso province. From 6/2 to 24/4 the exibition "Cromie dell'Anima", by Alain Chivilò at 47 Anno Domini in Roncade.
On June 2015, the first solo exhibition of Piero Slongo at the prestigious Villa Orsini in Scorzè: "Impressioni Metafisiche" by Alain Chivilò. A selection of recent works from saturday, 20/6 to sunday 26/7. Opening Saturday 20, 7 pm.
On July 2015 the exhibition "Ars celare artem", by Alain Chivilò, in Treviso, Casa dei Carraresi.
On 2016: Ars Gratia Artis, by Alain Chivilò, Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di San Donà di Piave, 3 - 25 april 2016.
Ars in Omnia, by Alain Chivilò, Abbazia di Santa Maria Assunta, Mogliano Veneto Festa del Rosario, 16 sptember - 2 october 2016.
For these exhibitions, it was written the monograph "Ars": a catalogue for the first posthumous exhibitions in San Dona di Piave and Mogliano Veneto.

Visit: for more info about Piero Slongo ©

Piero Slongo La casa delle tortore ai Castelli di Monfumo, 2006, Olio cm 80X70, Collezione privata

Locandina Piero Slongo mostra Impressioni Metafisiche Villa Orsini Scorzè

Piero Slongo Ravizzone in fiore Asolo, 2004, Olio cm 66X76

Piero Slongo Ars

Piero Slongo Impressioni Metafisiche

Locandina Piero Slongo Ars Gratia Artis Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea San Donà di Piave

Piero Slongo, Casa rossa con papaveri, 2006, olio su tavola

Piero Solongo_Alain Chivilò Roncade 2015 Cromie dell'Anima

Piero Slongo Guardando S. Anna-Asolo 2009 Olio su tavola cm60X70

Piero Slongo Il tajere presso l'Agriturismo Bon Tajer

Piero Slongo Asolo verso sera 1973 Olio cm50X70

Piero Slongo La tavolozza gialla 1973 Olio cm50X70

Piero Slongo Paesaggio collinare Olio

Piero Slongo Uva, Melograni e pera Olio
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