Neno Mori (Venice 03/11/1899 - 02/11/1968).
He completed the studies at the Institute of Art of Venice, where he completed his artistic formation with his friends: the group of painters as Eugenio Da Venezia, Seibezzi, Novati, e Varagnolo.
He participated to the exhibitions of Cŕ Pesaro from 1920 and he won prizes inside La Biennale di Venezia (1934, 1948, 1954).
The painting of Mori, as wrote Paolo Rizzi, has formed far from the languages innovations and the experimentations, leaving from two various sides that he meant to create: the study of the masters of the 1800's and the reality with the truth.
His essence of Venice “ …of the juices exquisitely of the late 1500's, in a direction that is represented by Tintoretto, Bassano…” and, on the other hand, making reference also to the tradition of Giorgione and Tiziano, adding togheter the instinct of the sign, the light.
Marco Novati wrote: "… i met Neno Mori in 1920. It’s more than 40 years.. And we were just good friends. We were a "clan" of some painters united with affection and sympathy. … ..
Already from that time noted in the first pictorial taste of Mori a vein of special colour. He decorated some pears, some houses, some clouds with color with a grace with a touch, full of charm. And I said: 'what hands and what eyes. "
Then he continued on his difficult and hard way, as all of us and with continuous benefits.
The last still life, the recent landscapes, flowers painted by him are excellent in all senses. I have a weakness for the color, for the style, for the "full" of his painting.
I believe that the modern Venetian painting, conducted by Mori and by few others friends of mine, is among the most interesting and solid ..."
In 2002 the exhibition "Neno Mori. 1899 - 1968" at the Fondazione Querini Stampalia in Venice and "Neno Mori. Il carteggio con Giovanni Giovannini "at the Cassa di Risparmio Palace of Rovereto.

Neno Mori Paesaggio della Vallagarina 1941 Olio su Tela cm45X57 Museo Civico di Rovereto

Neno Mori Barche alle Zattere 1940 Olio su Tela cm49X64 Museo Civico di Rovereto

Neno Mori Poesia del Lavoro (Mietitori) 1930 Olio su Compensato cm90X114 Museo Civico di Rovereto

Neno Mori Autoritratto (Ritratto virile) 1943 Olio su tela cm 55X41 Museo Civico di Rovereto

Neno Mori Barena a Torcello 1946 Olio su Tela cm44X75 Museo Civico di Rovereto

Neno Mori Canal Grande S. Geremia 1945 Olio su Tela cm51X68 Museo Civico di Rovereto

Neno Mori Cose vecchie natura morta 1946 Olio su Tela cm42X60 Museo Civico di Rovereto

Neno Mori Dintorni di Rovereto 1938 Olio su Tela cm53X67 Museo Civico di Rovereto

Neno Mori Fabbrica 1936_1937 Olio su compensato cm40X50 Museo Civico di Rovereto

Neno Mori Natura morta con frutta ed ortaggi 1936 Olio su compensato cm56X77 Museo Civico di Rovereto
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