Giuseppe Cherubini (Ancona 1867 - Venezia 1960), in Rome attending the Academy of BB AA, decorates the famous Coffee Aragno and in Venice, from 1902, he performs works of great value in some churches and theatres as Malibran and La Fenice. Important also some works made in the Church of the Santo in Padua and to Aquileia.
Major restoration work carried out in the Church of the Frari in Venice, in the Cathedral of San Giusto in Trieste, in the church of Sant'Andrea in Chioggia and in their Biadene in Montebelluna.
He participated at the Venice Biennale in 1905 and 26 and his exhibitions are in London, Berlin, Monaco of Bavaria, Venice, Rome, Monza. In 1947 Venice him honorary citizenship.
Giuseppe Mugnone wrote: "… he was truly an artist, believed in his art and he found satisfaction and joy. All this knows who has known him, both fresh impressions youth of Ancona that the late watercolours of Piazza San Marco. His amazement, i would say his candour in front of the nature, should be read in one and in the other, with an unbroken continuity, which is precisely the lyrical element of his activity as a painter and reveals the goodness simple and frank, remained intact in involving itself in times”.

Giuseppe Cherubini La porta della carta e Palazzo Ducale Acquarello su carta cm67X98

Giuseppe Cherubini Scena Veneziana olio su tela cm 80X100

Giuseppe Cherubini Sottoportico di Palazzo Ducale acquerello su carta cm35X50
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